


GINOP-2.1.1-15-2015-00276 Mission critical IT systems

Ábris Informatikai Kft. (as consortium leader), together with InfoPólus 2009 Kft. and Lavimed Bt. (as a consortium) applied for a grant in the call for tenders GINOP-2.1.1-15-2015-00276.

After reviewing the application, the Hungarian Ministry for National Economy decided that the project fulfilled the requirements for receiving the grant. The title of the project is The industry independent expansion of mission critical IT systems and the application of AI tools in healthcare and business environments. The implementation of the 2-year project started in September 2016 and will be finished in September 2018.

GAMMA has been developed by ABRIS under the project umbrella of InfóPólus 2009 Kft as a project company. The monitoring and alerting functions of GAMMA make it the key component for ensuring the operation of mission critical environments. In the frame of the project, we decided to develop an industry independent engine version for GAMMA, and optimise this to healthcare – an industry with legal regulations as tight as the banking industry -, in harmony with a request by Lavimed Bt.

Lavimed Bt. is a telemedicine service provider; an enterprise that aims to implement these exceedingly high standards (similar to those in banking process management) in order to further improve its telepsychiatry application, already used by an existing and growing circle of clients. The 24/7 availability (i.e. the automated monitoring and maintenance of telemedicine system processes) qualifies as a classical mission critical environment.

The requirements towards a mission critical environment create high expectations of the software development and testing, as well as of the tools that ensure the seamless integrated operation of these. The project was designed to fulfil these expectations as well. Therefore, as a new product, we plan to develop the Test Case manager software, which, complemented with an AI engine, ensures an end product of significantly higher standards.

Our other new development is a version (release) management tool that will perform the management of this complex operating environment of multiple components. This will also be supported by an AI engine, in service of these demanding requirements.
Also building on the visualisation technology of the AI engine, we wish to target a completely new market segment: the development of an open source data warehouse technology.
The project has received a founding of HUF 473,261,679 from the Hungarian State and the European Union, which amounts to almost 60% of the total cost of HUF 790,379,664.